horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Been and Dun that

While summer clearly has yet to arrive here, and we've not had any genuinely summery days on the trip, we do seem to be dodging the rain bullet most of the time. A few showers, certainly, shut the heavy rain of yesterday evening went through the night, then come morning had all but dissipated. And so another walk was on the cards.

It was to be a short one to the Duns (or Brochs) of Glenelg, Telve and Troddan, both cared for by Historic Scotland. And impressive they are in their sort-of completeness, giving a true sense of scale. Interesting to find out they are peculiar to Scotland as an architectural footnote in history, given they seem to be parrticuarly good at keeping the weather out, the warmth in, and act as pretty efficient defensive units.

Knowing there was a third further on we wandered up Glen Beag, and then carried on beside a bubbling, tumbling, roaring river, punctuated by infrequent instances of calm. And save for ten minutes of smurry rain we remained dry.

Oh, and there were three porpoises or dolphins in the loch outside the window of the barn this morning. So all is good.

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