Pheasant an Her Chicks
A drizzly morning soon cleared up and the sunshine came out :) It did cloud over again in the late afternoon and overcast evening.
A busy morning in the museum rushing about. I also had to head out to collect photo donations in the morning. Nipped home at lunchtime and got a load of washing out on the line :)
After work I headed up north to snap photos for my book but by the time I got there it had started to dull down again. Feels a bit like a wasted trip but I tried my best to make use of the time.
It's been a lazy evening so far but I will hopefully make it up to see my sister :)
When I was up in Ollaberry taking photos, this peerie family ran across the road and into the grass, a lovely mother Pheasant and her chicks. I've never had the chance to be this close to a female Pheasant before, never seen a Pheasant in Shetland before and never seen a chick before :) Shame that darn pesky fence got in the way!!
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