A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Little house on the prairie

This afternoon we did another walk up the hill behind the house and into the fabulous field which is enormous and deserted and perfect for all sorts of running around nonsense. This is the hill on the way back down looking down to our holiday house in the middle and Wells cathedral in the distance. It is so lovely here, no doubt enhanced by the gloriously sunny weather, and I don't want to leave. We will almost certainly be back. And not just because we haven't begun to explore the delights of the area.

Today we have gone more for the "living somewhere else" rather than "being on holiday" approach and it seems to have worked quite well. Hair appointments have been made, doctors have been rung, double bass accompanists found and television engineers booked. All in the sunshine in a lovely garden. And on the plus side I will come close to reading two books this week which hasn't happened in a long time, I've barely worn any of the clothes I brought and washing has been done so there will be less of that to deal with and we have saved a small fortune in pub lunches, attractions and gift shops. And Albi has proved herself a joy to go on holiday with.

It is possible there is now too much oxygen racing around my system but tomorrow we head back to the Big Smoke and homeostasis will be returned.

Lesley x

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