
Today we saw gardeners struggle to cut a prayer labyrinth on the grass outside our office. Having watched them I read up and found that a labyrinth is a path leading, via a circuitous route, to the centre of a design and back out again. A labyrinth’s route is unicursal; it has only a single path. A prayer labyrinth is a labyrinth used to facilitate prayer, meditation, spiritual transformation, and global unity. While prayer labyrinths have been used in Catholic cathedrals for centuries, the past decade has seen resurgence in their popularity, especially within the Emergent Church. Labyrinths have been used by many cultures for at least 3,500 years. In the Middle Ages, the Church adapted the labyrinth to symbolize the hard and winding road to God, a mystical ascension to salvation and enlightenment, and a pilgrimage to Jerusalem for those who could not make the actual journey.

Ours will be all these things and great fun for the school groups visiting the Cathedral. It just needs to grow now.

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