
2 years 224days

We had a heap of fun today!! We all went to Chessington World of Adventure. Katie has been begging to take Lyra and Ellie to the "rollerpears" (Polar Bears) and to see the "Tiger who Came to Tea" tiger. We didnt see the rollerpears but had a lot of fun despite it!!

We got very close to the tigers - they came right up to the bars to say hello. The girls loved them. They then spent a very very long time watching the gorillas. They were most amused when one of them had "mummy milks" from a mummy gorilla. We were most amused when they all tried to have mummy milks from a big statue gorilla. Which Katie informs me have "reaaalllly big milks". Katie wasnt too amused when Big Boss Man gorilla charged at the window, but was soon distracted by the baby.

We had a go on the monorail, and because of that we got to see the lions, the penguins being fed, watched a rehearsal of the sealion show - and Katie got to "drive" the train (she was at front, is all!). We had very yummy ice cream, which Katie proved an expert at consuming.

She surprised me a little as she really wanted to go on the carousel in this photo, once she saw the little princess carriage that is. She has only once been on a carousel and didnt much like it. This was a huge success. So much so she asked if we could stay on for a second go.

We went into the childrens zoo and they got up close to a whole load of farm animals - they walked in amongst them in fact. Katie stroked pigs, goats, a chicken, lamb. She tried to stroke the ducks but they were rather further away. They all loved it.

We walked through the Bird and Monkey walk, and Katie spent ages watching the teeny baby little monkeys. Every variety of monkey was "like my monkey" she said. The children had a pit stop before we went into an african-themed area. There were big long wooden walkways for them to run very very fast around. They saw zebra, gazelle, meerkats, ostriches. Katie loved the Mister Ebra.

LOTS of fun at the Zoo!

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