Final Rehearsal

3years 223days

Busy day, as Saturday always is. She got her swimming certificate for passing the penultimate preschool level and very proud she was too. We headed off on the train to the final pre-show rehearsal. All was a little chaotic! They registered in one studio, warmed up and changed in another and then rehearsed in the main one. Again, Miss Suzanne returned swooning at their adorableness when they came up midrehearsal to change in to tap shoes and have a drink. After class we were having a chat about when Katie's going to move up to the primary class. She said Katie is very ready for it (which she absolutely is) but that as they dont allow them to do their exams until they're 4 and that is what they're working on until the end of term, that perhaps it would be better to wait until September for her to move. She's very excited about being a big girl upstairs, although I will miss being able to sit at the edge and watch at all.

After ballet, we headed in to the city as I had booked tickets for the kids' club cinema showing. We watched Madagascar 3. We saw it when it first came out but she slept through half of it. She had a brilliant time. We popped to the toilet half way and she said "Mummy its really good! I like it a lot!" A brief lunch after that before we went and bought a few bits for her. She chose a pair of fabulous flourescent orange converse, a new zippy hoody for tomorrow and a couple of cute tshirts.

Train ride home before a second babyccino of the day, a quick stop to buy her new ballet socks (hers have un-shifting marks, typical) and we headed home. SHe had a crazy half hour running round the garden before she sat down on her favourite rug to watch winnie the pooh. And yes, she fell asleep at 6pm!

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