
By Madchickenwoman

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Today started well as I spotted Mouse 2 and 3 cavorting on the teacup feeder - and then TaDa! Mouse 1 appeared! All 3 cavorting! Unfortunately Fat Cat saw them and actually went through her cat flap to sit on the step and watch them! However after a few minutes watching she was exhausted and retired to the attic to sleep for the rest of the day! 
I carried on my way to open the chickens on the allotment - another poorly chicken - Daisy - skin all around her eye puffy and swollen - I had bathed it a week or so ago and thought it was fine - not so. Strange no one else spotted it in the last week! I weeded the rest of the strawberry bed and put out a call to the coop members for someone to take her to the vets. Colourful Mai came to the rescue! She collected my cat basket and set off for the allotment! This is the second time she has saved the day! Last night she asked what I was doing for my actual birthday after responding to my friday invite. I explained the situation and she said she was free so why didn't we do something! Today decided we would go to The Garden House at Buckland Monachorum - it's close, was my dads favourite garden, and it does lovely food and cakes!  
Mai returned a little later with Daisy - she had had a grass seed in her eye! They gave her a little gas to make her docile as vet wasn't sure there wasn't another one growing in her eye - but there wasn't! She is now on anti-inflammatories and  eye drops twice a day and is in the dog cage in my conservatory!! Milly and Tilly were not best pleased on discovering her! The sight of Tilly  posturing aggressively,  feathers puffed out and raised on her neck like a ruff, nearly made me apoplectic with laughter! Daisy adopted a similar posture and they pecked ineffectively at each other through the bars! Daisy is the most docile of chickens on the plot, her sister Doris even bullies her and pulls the feathers out of her top knot so that she can have the best one! I pulled myself together and broke "the fight" up and since then calm has reigned, Milly and Tilly sauntering past her cage repeatedly to and from the kitchen, I think just to show her that they were free and she wasn't! 
So - all pets fed and asleep, chickens at home and on the allotment,   even Amelia as she moulted last night so had a mouse ( not Mouse  1,2 or 3 I hasten to add! ) today and is feeling fat and full, Gunther also moulted and is replete on locusts! Now time to feed myself! I think I overdid it on the allotment tonight as I couldn't resist digging up some weeds on the bed I want to put peas in.  I felt better today so thought I could do a bit of gentle weeding. Seems I shouldn't! Ah well - lazy day tomorrow!
Oh - the blip is from Portly Lucy's walk this am - a  walk round 3 blocks today - only 20 minutes including photo time! 

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