Not so Golden

I planned to take photos on the allotment in the Golden Hour - but after giving the girls their evening treats I noticed Doris was missing. I hunted round the plot and found her under the gooseberry bushes. She could not stand and her comb was bleeding where obviously the other girls had pecked her. I took her up to my shed where fortunately I had put a spare cat basket as part of my tidying frenzy this week - thought it would be good to have one up there for occasions like this. I gave her some Nutri-Drops to give her an energy boost, rubbed anti-bacterial cream in her comb and syringed water down her beak. She is now at home and I have given her antibiotics - not sure if she will make it through the night.
So a rather sad end to another busy day which I was feeling quite good about - hoovered the entire house, cleaned the upstairs toilet, more washing done, trip to waitrose to get a range of things for my visitors breakfast, ingredients for dinner monday eve and new towels and bathmats for the bathroom plus a smelly candle - which should have been a stick air freshener but discovered when I got home I'd picked up the wrong thing! . Also got new small stones for my back garden so it looks ll fresh too!Now all I have to do is make the beds and tidy my attic bedroom as I think I will be sleeping on the kitchen sofa and one of the visitors will have my room.
Apologies to anyone who has commented on my blips this last week - just not had time to answer them all which makes me sad as I like a good blipchat! I have tried to visit your journals but again - just not enough time! Apologies if I have done a a star and run - seemed the only way to get to see as many as I could! My visitors come tomorrow and leave thursday - but I have London Boy and two of his friends I met at the masked Ball arriving Friday - so will be another whip round clean and bed change then a busy weekend - so I hope to blip but may find I don't have the time, and  I'm not sure I'm going to have much  time to visit your journals - so many apologies and hope to see you soonish! x 

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