Bon Nant Torrent

We were out early today into crisp sharp sunshine. we'd a plan to see where we could walk straight from the door - so it seemed logical to head down to the river & into the gorge taking the paths that we could find - always heading down - with a rough plan to geek some flowers and to emerge triumphant in the Thermal Parc for coffee & ice cream.
Roughly half way down the hill, after an hour or so, we saw a sign diverting us to what we assumed would be a view point - but turned out to be a spectacular footbridge over this truly stunning gorge - the blip just doesn't capture the scale - the two falls in the background are each around 100ft+ and the waterline shows just how powerful the surge can be.

We stopped for a while listening to the roar of the waters before the bounce in the bridge eventually encouraged us to leave - more flowers (seebelow) later we emerged into the parc, watched the ecole climbing, resisted the urge to go join in & enjoyed an espresso in the shade.
The walk up was, well, tiring, lol.

So today we added to the list: Yellow Archangel (the wild kind), Heath Bedstraw, Ground Ivy, Spiked Rampion, Columbines, Blue (Geneva)Bugle, Bush vetch.  we also encountered one mystery yellow plant - if I can ever get the extra shot to work then I'll be asking your help to identify!
Edit - consensus of opinion is that mystery plant is some sort of solitary tall variety of Black Medic

So not sure this will work - but hopefully this links to a facebook album of flowers HERE

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