
By Madchickenwoman

Mouse 2 and 3!!

The mice came out to play today! Mouse 1 I'm afraid has not been seen since that first day, and I thought one of it's siblings had been lost too  as only a single mouse came out to play yesterday. But as I watched a sole mouse tumble in and out of pots this afternoon, running for cover whenever the noisy sparrows appeared, I realised there were two! I thought at first it was the sole mouse rummaging for seeds under both feeders - then there was mouse 2 by the poppy feeder and mouse 3 by the teacup! This is when the fun really started as I moved my camera to and fro trying to capture them in action! I swear they were playing with me - not appearing for ages then staggering their appearances so as soon as I caught sight of one the other appeared and I would miss both in my efforts to capture them! It was like "Miceion" Impossible watching them!  Getting half way up the poles then aborting due to the sound of a car, children, chicken or sparrow. Struggling to get over the lip of the ceramic feeder or scrambling out of the teacup and then onto and down the pole! I really wanted the mouse in the teacup! I took 155 photos in all!!! If you want to see a compilation of the best bits of The Miceion see here!!
The day started really slowly as I was not in the best of moods - shingles is no better or worse, it's just a drag. It tingles, prickles and hurts, then disappears and I think it's gone only for it to start the cycle again. My birthday is next week, but no idea how i will be shingle wise and  it being a Bank Holiday I presume most of my friends will have family around and too soon for me to see Friend anyway- so resigned myself to a birthday alone and then having a day out on the friday with friends. With Friend the whole notion of having a birthday celebration is a little messed up anyway - I can't help thinking of where we will all be this time next year. As you can tell, bit of a downer today!!
HOWEVER!! Decided if I was not going to do anything on my actual birthday  I would buy myself the piece of Art I have had my eye on in the Gallery! So washed, dressed, picked up Portly Lucy and down into the village I went - it had been sold!!! But I know she will be at the Contemporary Craft Festival in 2 weeks time, so maybe I will see something else of hers I like - or I can commission her to do me a similar one!
Homeopath friend called in the afternoon to choose photo's she wants to use on her business postcards - that was fun! Plus she said she would drop off a remedy for the shingles on her way to Belly dancing! Then the mice came out to play! So the day turned out better than I  anticipated! Plus I have a sprouted watermelon and a cucumber seed, and a Peacock Flower seed that are supposed to take 1-4 months to germinate! I also had a little shop on Etsy - a washing line necklace that I had looked at and put on my wish list a while ago - yes the glass Art I wanted was  a washing line encased in glass!! Sounds odd but believe me it's beautiful - the glass and necklace! I also took more photos of clothes on washing lines today! I may well get a reputation if I am seen taking photos of peoples washing  lines - so far I make it three occasions!!

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