Bird's Life!

Another morning spent tidying - oh my I'm beginning to love how orderly and clean my house is looking!!The movement of one item has a cascade effect wherever I move it - to make room for it other things have to be moved! I was supossed to be going to a Sculpture garden with Vegan Jo but the weather was abysmal! So she came for coffee instead and we had a great catch up and I managed to pass on one dress, 3 cardigans and 1 coat! All looked great on her which is why on me they didn't - far too large and I was swamped in them! When she got home her two daughters, one of their boyfriends and her husband tried on the clothes as well! Husband wanted the coat but arms too short - the coats not his!
As  she was leaving I spotted the pigeon on the bird feeder. I suddenly realised why the other birds had not used it when it was in the back garden - nowhere to sit and so access it!  I continued the clearing and got sidetracked onto the garden once the rain stopped! Tilly's banishment to the porch in a cat basket the other day has broken her broodiness! Will have to try the same trick with Polly. When I checked on them in the conservatory this is how I found her- that's where I wanted to  have been sitting having a relaxing time not her! 

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