Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Who did this, Archie?

The bus took ages this morning - the traffic was gridlocked, so I was late for my hospital appointment. However I did have time to request the remote for the waiting room TV - after asking the people waiting, of course. (’That's a very good idea!') I switched from Jeremy Kyle to the inoffensive BBC News where the cause of the grid lock in the West End became apparent - David Cameron was visiting for 'talks' with Nippy Nicola.

I've been discharged to my GP. The charming young nurse seemed to have all the time in the world to explain things and answer my questions. I think that the clots have been there for some time, causing my breathlessness, which has been troubling me for many months and they couldn't find the cause. It was the special CT scan on Saturday, with dye, that showed them. Anyway, all under control now - though I won't be skipping around for some time yet. I'm very grateful.

Having mentioned yesterday that wee Archie is now allowed in the lounge when he's home alone, with no important things left on the coffee table - though I have left magazines etc - I was surprised to peek in the window when I came home today and see him snoozing on his mat on the sofa (good), but the carpet was covered in ripped paper (oops!). I note that he didn't rip up the renewal letter from his health insurance people, which was also on the table...

'Who did this?'  (It's a rhetorical question, Archie - I know it was you!) I say in my teachery voice. I don't shout at him or anything - after all, it my was my fault, really.

He does the sweetest thing when he knows he's done something wrong and you're less than pleased with him - he rolls on to his back, looking guilty as hell, with his wee paws tucked up under his chin, and refuses to get up. My heart just melts. (He's never done such submissive behaviour with another dog.)

He's going to meet up with Bailey tomorrow, his wee female schnauzer pal. They met up a week or so ago and had a whale of a time, though I wasn't there to see it. I do hope I can make it up the hill this time.

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