Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A visit to Brodie's house. Scary

Bit of a drama last night as I got two emails thanking me for my PayPal payment to a website I’d never heard of. I rang Paypal, and they advised me to change my password, which I did. They will look into the fraud and refund me. An hour or so later, after I had changed everything, I got another email from the same website thanking me for another payment. Help! Paypal have frozen my account and have no idea how that happened. I will get my money back, and I hope they can stop those crooks doing that. A bit scary, this online banking...

A 4:45am rise this morning - snoozing all evening on the sofa while his mums watched Masterchef is not really the ideal way to tire out a puppy. Mind you, he just loves going into the lounge and sitting on the sofa.

But I have a Master Plan to tire him out tonight - Puppy Party! They rang and said there had been a cancellation and would Archie like to come tonight. That’s at 7:30 for and hour and a half- he should be well ready for bed then.

Today we had a walk round the neighbourhood. Didn’t go far, as he began to squirm and he is rather a big lump to carry. We did bump into lots of groups of shouty schoolchildren, and for once, I was quite pleased. In fact, one group of screaming girls came and patted him, yelling,


I’m getting him used to being outside on his own. Well, with his pig’s ear and blanket. (That pig’s ear is fantastic. Might need to get a pair of ‘em). I managed to do the ironing with him enjoying the sunshine on his own. I’d look out and sometimes he’d be gazing up at the kitchen window, but he didn’t whine.

We’ve just been round to see Brodie at his place. Well - what a difference that was! When Brodie came here he ignored wee Archie, but when Archie was on his turf, well - he went crazy. Barking, charging around - very boisterous. In fact, when I put Archie down on the grass, Brodie took one sniff then BANG! A big paw swooshed out and knocked him spinning. On purpose. Poor wee Archie didn’t cry, but kept close to adult legs for the rest of the time, while Brodie charged round.

Archie is snoozing after his Big Adventure with Brodie. I haven’t told him about his exciting evening coming up.

I’m aiming for a 6:30am, possibly 7am start tomorrow...

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