wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Don't like the weather? Wait a few minutes

That's always the joke here in Maine. We have two seasons, winter and the fourth of July . Saturday proved that. Earlier in the week it was around 80 or (26.6 for the rest of the world) and down to 43 (6.1c)
Welcome to May.
I went to lunch with my sister Laurie yesterday at the Dockside Grill in Falmouth. This was the view out ofthe window. They are getting ready to put the boats back in the water. I have some more photos below.

After lunch I went to my friend Janice's house and got some chicken manure. Yup, filled a cart and then traipsed it through the neighborhood in a cart with squeeky wheels. So not only was I hauling poop, I was loudly hauling poop and the wagon so excited with its special load kept screaming "hey look everyone! I have poop in this wagon!!".
Yup just another ordinary day.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Still painful. So I am doing some major manual labor! After breakfast!
So goodnight Downunder and good morning up north.

I have done this lying in bed with no glasses. Time to proof read

And it was a good idea!

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