wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Blurry but keeps the memory

Of birds on every bird feeder in my yard. These goldfinches were snacking away like crazy. Tonytigerbear went nuts. I tried to get a good picture. Ok not no much.
I worked in the yard today. I have decided this is not my favorite holiday. I have an issue with telling your mom she is special one day a year. She is special everyday. She would be taken to breakfast, or dinner more often. Buy her flowers on YOUR birthday.
But I digress
My sister Dianne and I brought a wave petunia for Mom's grave. We sat and talked for a bit. It was strangely calming.
Dianne then came to my house and took a pile of stuff to burn. She has a bonfire every year. I had a pile of stuff from the basement and branches from the trees.
As I lie here the rain is like a monsoon. It is pouring and thundering and lightning
So Once Upon a Time is almost over. I have showered and used a ton of lotions and face creams. So I am going to bed
Ok this storm is so scary.
I am going to hide my head under the covers now
G'Day Downunder and good night up north. Oh and if you are traveling..........safe travels.

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