Found it!

Those of you who have been with me for a while may vaguely remember that one of my (many) projects was to locate and record each of the 40 decorative plaques, which were mounted in the flood defence walls around the city of Carlisle; defences built after the devastating floods of 2005.

This is the one that started it all and explains the flood story.
And this has a link to all the blipped ones. 
So the search went on. I didn’t blip every one, just the more interesting ones and those with a story to tell, for example the story of the goldfish and the football club. Sometimes I had help with the search.
Eventually I had located and recorded all of them . . . all except one – 39/40. And try as I might I could not find the missing one. According to the bit of a plan I had, I knew the sort of location, but this area by the river close to the centre of the city was full of industrial buildings, high walls, barbed wire and a very muddy and overgrown riverside path. And no one seemed to know what I was talking about. In the end I gave up.
Today I had a brainwave. As the plaque was named Power Station, I suddenly realised it might be by the 1899 Electric Lighting Station building on James Street. As we drove past this this morning I noticed an alleyway by the side of the building and felt it must lead to the river. It did!! And there was the wall and there was a path and eventually there was the plaque. Hurray!
This is the building with the plaque. The first picture below is the plaque in situ on the flood wall. You can also see in this the Art Deco style riverside extension to the Electricity building, now an Enterprise Centre. And the other picture below is looking over the wall to the River Caldew and the Nelson Bridge. We had a lot of rain in the night and the river is high and flowing fast.

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