Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 -- Show & Tell

Today my Tuesday students were required to submit their textbook and to write the in-class essay. The photo is proof of both of these. I refer to this as "Show & Tell" day.

They are working hard, writing diligently, and their books are on my desk. I collect their books because if I do not, they do NOT do the required activities. If they do not do the activities, they might as well not purchase the books. I think the book is filled with quality information and instruction, but if they don't read it and do the activities, then they've wasted the 80+ dollars they have paid for the book.

My goal is for my students to learn how to write quality meaningful essays that are well developed and organized. Their goal is to "get an A and get the heck out of the class." Someday they will realize the value of knowing how to write well and being able to write well. A well crafted cover letter on an resume just might give them an edge someday in getting an interview for the job they really, really want. BUT that is so far into the future that they cannot relate to that.

I need to grade some papers.
Good night.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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