Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Wednesday, May 6, 2015 -- Grading Papers

To say that currently school work is a little overwhelming would be complete truth.

I'm grading like crazy so I can return student papers this week, but the moment I return them my students will be handing me their in-class essays that they are writing this week. Ugh! More grading.

Then next week they will have an out-of-class essay due.

Yes, it is that time of the semester; the moment when the fingers on my right hand hurt more than I can explain because I still grade with a pencil rather than online. I just like real paper. So I put foam rubber cushions on my pencils, even though that does not help after all the holding of a pencil that I have done lately.

I'll stop all this complaining now and simply say that I love teaching, but I hate grading!

Hopefully, I'll have a nicer message to report tomorrow. Here's hoping.

Good night from the land of paper grading, (Southern California),
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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