Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Thursday, May 7, 2015 -- Dawn, the Bride

Dawn is getting married this coming Saturday. She is 47 or 48 years old and never been married.

When she and our daughter were teenagers, they were best of friends. Then Dawn's daddy received a transfer at his employment and they moved to North Carolina, or maybe it was South Carolina; it might as well have been Mars. Our daughter was more than disappointed and I'm sure it rocked her world considerably more than I realized at the time.

A number of years later, after our daughter was married and had children, and after Dawn had completed college, we learned that Dawn was going to have a child too. Over the years our daughter has stayed in touch with her friend.

Several years ago Dawn and her son and her mom and dad all came to southern California for some vacation time. We met them in Newport Beach for dinner one evening during their visit and it was delightful to reconnect with them.

When I learned that Dawn was getting married, I was surprised that our daughter wasn't going to fly to San Antonio, Texas, for the wedding, but she is not. So I have enjoyed watching Dawn's excitement as she journeys nearer and nearer to the big day. This photo is from the pre-wedding photo shoot.

Good night from Southern California
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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