Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2016 Saturday -- Street Pano

Early this morning while the sky was overcast with a veil of grey clouds, Mr. Fun walked across our narrow street to stand with his back at the neighbor's garage door so that he could capture a panorama of the neighborhood.

Our place was originally built in 1941-42 but during the past 25-35 years numerous McMansions have occupied this street.

Looking to the extreme left, another old home, we think built before ours, can be seen. There is a slight curve in the street, but the pano makes it look extreme.

To the right of our lavender house is a vacant lot. It is owned by the people who we bought this house from. When we purchased the house, our real estate agent wanted us to buy the extra lot too, but the owners wanted as much for that extra lot as they did for this house. It made no sense to us to buy an empty lot as well as buy this house. Then the owners immediately took the extra lot off the market. So it sits there green with succulents and trees. We also enjoy the trees and greenery between us and the blue house to the left of us. The blue house is an AirBnB with two rooms for rent and each has its own separate entrance. Both rooms are rented almost every night.

Just to the right of the vacant lot is a home owned by the family of a superior judge from Bakersfield. The judge has been dead almost four years, and about 18 months ago the family had the house painted and then we watched as the family came a couple times to enjoy the place, but now it's been months since anyone has used the place.

So that's a little peak at and into this coastal community.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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