Early morning

5years 196days

The bank holiday left me muddled rather. I realised midway through yesterday that in fact tomorrow wasn't going to be Monday, it was in fact going to be Tuesday. And we had some homework to finish by Tuesday. Part of her homework was reading and following a recipe. So at 6am, we baked. Giant butterfly buns and a cake. For the first time, she cracked all the eggs herself without getting anything in the mix and she operated the electric whisk by herself & didnt explode mix everywhere! By 7am we had done reading, piano practice and the baking. She was very excited to take her signs from the Tour de Yorkshire to school for them. Her teachers laughed as she lugged them to the classroom. 

She had a good day - her teacher brought his pet tortoise in today, which she thought was fabulous. She made a model of a ladybird house (it rather resembled the model of a rocket that she made when they were doing space). She told me she'd read to Mr A. today and that she'd told him it was a book she didn't like because it was too easy. 

After school we went for a run together to break in her new trainers. I had planned a gentle 2km route. She added another kilometre to it and came home grinning. 

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