Mails Point

It's still remains chilly but it's been a lovely day of sunshine.  A couple of showers throughout the day but they passed quickly :)

It's was a quiet start to the day in the museum.  Think most of the visitors here for the Folk Festival had a late night last night as it did pick up later in the afternoon :)  I was meant to be in the office in the afternoon but with staff on holidays, I was on the desk all day. 
After work, I spent more time in the garden.  Potted up some plants and put some garden ornaments out too, replaced the washing line and a general tidy about the place :)
Brian popped down this evening and off we set with mam and niece Elise to see his parents Big Brian and Madeline, who are camping in the caravan at Exnaboe for the weekend.  We also made it to Sumburgh Head to see the puffins but the light had vanished by the time we arrived. 
Feet up for the night now :)

We dropped Brian off with his mam and me, mam and Elise headed to see the puffins.  The sun was starting to set at about 8.45pm and here at Mails Point, Pool of Virkie, was catching the evening sun.  You can see the cranes working on the airport runway on the right.

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