Wednesday: Aktiv

I do like typeography......

We took Fred to the vet this morning to have his teeth cleaned.  While we were there, we mentioned to the vet that we had noticed a little bit of wobbliness in his back legs sometimes.  She gave him an x-ray and a blood test and, although he is generally very healthy, he is showing some slight degeneration in his spine, a symptom of being 14 years old.  She has given us some B12 liquid for him, and some kitty painkillers - he'll have to take the B12 for 2-3 months and then we will, hopefully, see some improvement.  But the poor boy is ageing.  

He doesn't like going to the vet (who would?) and gets a bit howly.  He was doing OK, though, until I took a corner a bit enthusiastically on the bendy road home and managed to overturn his basket..........I think that traumatised him more than anything......he's not really speaking to me at the moment.


A little while ago I read 'Room At The Top' by John Braine.  As I really enjoyed it, and also love the whole 1950s northern kitchen sink drama/literature thing, I decided to try some more of his and have just read his much lesser known second novel, 'The Vodi', written in 1959 - I am so glad I did.  I thoroughly enjoyed it, in all its kitchen sinkiness northerness........ 

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