
By TBay

Good vibrations!

Yes it the second day of Mr TBay on his vibrating roller! I know that strictly it's not actually a tractor, but this is my offering for Tractor Tuesday . The car park across the front is now completed just the end section and it's done.

Mr TBay Jnr and family headed for Beer today for a day at the seaside and to visit friends who have a caravan there. I should think that they have chosen perfect weather for it, as it has been and still is, a glorious day here.

Farming - two on compost . Rusty acting as Super Rusty today as he is every where! He has been tedding grass, rowing up grass ready for Silaging first thing, power harrowing, power washing and also picked up a trailer! May be a late evening for him.

I have spent part of my day once again catching up on little jobs and gardening. Also picked up the ram for the dump trailer at long last. It had to come from Ireland and when the company we deal with had placed the order some days ago and had not received the ram they phoned up to ask where it was. The company in Ireland then said it had to be paid for before despatch, to which the ordering company pointed out that they couldn't pay for it as they had no invoice and no one had told them this when they ordered it! After a minor 'toys out the pram conversation' it was sorted. We have it now !

BJ the builder is here agin but still has his dreadful kidney problems. Tea time today consisted of Mr TBay and BJ swapping gruesome details of their respective kidney stone episodes!

I have also noticed that Pip has a hideous breath today. Perhaps a bit too much rabbit last night. Yuk!

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