
By TBay

Nearly finished

Shed update time again! This is the car park final surface being laid. This morning we had a dozer and a large vibrating roller on duty. Mr TBay drove the vibrating roller and is still vibrating some hours after he stopped driving it!! It is rather unreliable and currently is in need of more repairs. They have had to come out twice today for minor repairs, but at 4:00 pm it finally decided to give up and refused to vibrate any more!!

However Mr TBay had to stop at 4:30 anyway as we had a visit to the Nuclear Power Station at Hinkley Point. This had been arranged by our local YFC club so we thought we would tag along. Goodness the security is tight. Passports and birth certificates needed and they keep your passport details on their files for three years!! However it was a very interesting visit. The tour took two hours and was very comprehensive.

Farming - two on compost. Rusty went mowing and Mr Tbay Jnr then turned the grass. Should be ready to silage on Wednesday. Mr Tbay Jnr also dung hauling this morning.

I had a catch up day doing a lot of very small jobs which had accumulated over the past few weeks. I am also having to water all my garden tubs as it had been so dry.

Pip did not want her supper. That was because just as we were leaving for our visit this evening she was on the lawn eating a bunny!! Not too sure I want her in the bedroom tonight!

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