
By TBay

Des res!

Hmmm, we have squatters! Well to be fair we have had them for a few years now. These cheeky Jackdaws have set up camp in the Dovecote at one end of the house. How they manage to actually get into the space behind I don't really know, but they do. I notice that the guttering has been filled by them too and grass is sprouting in them. Another small job for Mr TBay.

Totally manic day today. BJ here laying patio slabs for the TBay Jnrs. Mr Tbay on the vibrating roller again plus collecting spare part they forgot to include with the one I picked up. Grrrr. Also sorting our several admin things too.

Farming - A complex day today. Two on compost. Rusty dispatched to Bath and West Show ground to transport items needed for the North Somerset Show. Then he headed off to do muck spreadin. Then back to base to do tanking. Another team out silaging which went fine. Just a few minor things to see to on the forager. Also had one on dump trailering too. Maize drill being hitched up as I type this.

I have been trying to get organised for out weekend at the YFC National AGM in Torquay . We are helping out with stewarding not actually going under the impression we are young again!!
I have also potted up some of my seedlings, and finished potting my plug plants. I now need a bigger greenhouse!!

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