The peas were looking a bit odd, it occurred to me as I fed the birds this morning. Somehow I didn't get a chance to pop down and check them until this evening, when I was able to work out that the odd looking things were pods. All good. This was a bit overwhelmingly green, so I did away with that.
Although it was not supposed to be a busy Wednesday - with Katherine's french teacher away on holiday and Conor too poorly for football - it somehow turned out more busy and the two minutes spent looking at skinny peapods and the ten spent uploading this are my first minutes of the day spent not working.
So the upstairs hall is painted, many cakes are made for tomorrow's birthday and much washing has been done - though from the leaning tower of laundry next to me, it looks like the day's work will now continue with ironing.
Couple of lovely chats today that I don't want to forget. Firstly Katherine's art teacher who, on meeting Conor and hearing he was there because he was too poorly to play football said she would give him a copy of a rugby game her husband had invented, but was having trouble getting into shops. Lovely woman. Secondly with the man who runs the British store down here, very friendly and always ready for a good chat. And he's still looking for cake suppliers for his new cafe, so I'd best get my busines plan put together!
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