Might be time for a little light dusting in the laundry room... And possibly a lick of paint wouldn't go amiss. There are so many corners (whole floors, whole rooms) of our house that are a disgrace that it's hard to know where to start when a spare moment presents itself.
Teaching this morning. The little kids were all doing rather well, until the teaching assistant arrived to tell me that since there was only one boy at school in the next class up, I might as well just keep the little class for the whole hour and a half... I cut it down to an hour, but had only planned 40 minutes or so (which they rattled through faster than expected) so I had invent a game to fill the rest of the time up. I think the hyper state that I delivered the kids back in will discourage the teacher from trying that trick again!
The lunchtime song-translation session went better than it had in previous weeks. The sulky girl was less so, the boys did less spinning on their backs, and everyone learned a bit of English. We were doing 'Ruby' and 'Mamma Mia' so there was a lot of talk of love and heartbreak.
Later, Mr B arrived back from London with gifts for all. I was the happy recipient of a new paint tray, some masking tape and three bars of Galaxy chocolate. I think I've changed - I was happiest about the paint tray... (Can't get them big enough here - the rollers are all smaller.)
Later still, with the raindrops thumping down the chimney, a trip out into the hall brought the delightful news of a worse leak over the stairs than we thought and a whole new leak we didn't know about. Some mopping and bucket placement ensued (me) and some checking of the roof (Mr B). More roof fixing to come in the next dry spell.
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