As It Is

...So I got up at 7.45...late ..and knew i had to leave the house by 10.15am at the latest ... I had to look up some prices for watch faces for my jewellery class this afternoon ...that took ages ... then broken wristed friend phoned to say she didn't need a lift to Jewellery class as she was going out to lunch.. I thought to myself that gives me some time ... but then she stayed on the phone for 45 minutes ..taking up all allotted time and then some..

I then picked up Ian and Judy and dropped them off to his Oncology appointment at 11.00am. I went into town to go to the charity shops to look for necklaces and stuff to break up to reuse...and the Art Shop ... I took 10 mins to find a parking space and 1 hour later I was in the last charity shop when the call came thru that they were ready ..get back to the car...picked them up take them home get back to my Gaff at 12.45 not enough time to have food make flask of tea and head off the Beading ... enjoyable time spent rush back home ... by now 4.35 Pm ...go to buy something for supper ... succumb to pringles and jelly babies as lunch ...James cooks supper.
I fall asleep on sofa ..I awake eat supper then I fall asleep again then NOTHING on TV am forced to watch Oprah Winfrey ..
about 'The Power of Attraction' ...which seems to me about writing something you want on a piece of paper and sticking it your wallet and making a 'visual board' about all the things you want ...

Damn and blast I knew I was doing something wrong ...

Anyway here are all the bits of paper I wrote on with all the things I want...does anyone know a place where they sell very big wallets?

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