Putting my Foot In It

Abigail's first day back at work ... the day before breaking up for half term...

I took Henry to school where they have a weird pandemonium scheme the children have to arrive at 10 to 9...no earlier or later ...and then you are supposed to read to them till the anxiety of seperration is contollable on all sides...Hrrmph...and this continues for 2 years !!!! I arrived 5 mins early and was shooed out of the classroom with it's not fair on the others ...

I said in my day we dropped them off and watched while they went in..( well it just came out..)

I know everything is different nowadays , we like to encourage the parents to talk to the teachers . said the teacher

I thought to myself I don't remember it being a problem , talking to the teachers,in the old days...

I then had Archie to myself all day... Bliss

I now talk in a high pitched voice..
Do you want your lunchie punchies Archie?
Do you want you Mookers Archie?

Have oo done a poo pooh Archie?
To which he replied on all counts

He was no problem at all
Henry was no problem at all
Abigail was no probelm at all
Teacher was a problem but hey you can't win them all .

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