Chick Flick

By Flick


An emotional day. Henry ill. I downloaded Light Room 3 I shouted at Ed. (Poor Ed) We put 105,000 images on the external hardrive then I got to grips with Light Room.AAAgh!!! I used picasa , and Photoshop and picnik too for familiarity. Light shop is a beast of a processor but it will be better in the long run.Oh yes :)

Finally heard some accurate news about my poor Muv-in Law . She is seriously ill in hospital. It has, if I'm honest, been a dreadful week. but at least Shy and I are relieved to at last know something correct... it's the NOT knowing and the mine of non and misinformation that has caused us both to lose it ...we have both learnt some valuble lessons from this.
Onwards and upwards

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