Covered in Bees

By PaulFS


If you'd told me a year ago that I'd be happily spending hours on a moor crouching in front of a dandelion by water to try and get the reflection of the sun for no other reason than to get a photo worthy of the Mighty Blip, I'd have said...

'What's Blip?'

Or that on a camping trip instead of enjoying the peace and tranquility of the hills, I'd be actively setting my stall out to get up at sunrise, again, to get that photo, I'd have said...

'If I want a sunrise photo I'll Google 'Sunrise' and look at the pictures, most of which will be far better than mine!'

But it's all different now.

God forbid Blip wasn't here anymore I'd still get out and get that photo. Why? I don't know. I'm not kidding anyone that I know what I'm doing but that's what it's all about - practise - research - practise - practise - practise.

Why am I typing all this - it's just what I was thinking while I took the time to watch the sunset on the moor. A beautiful sunset. It bled colours like it was never going to rise again. There were other people up there; people who just 'knew' that whether it's spiritual, or chaos, or God, or a big jumble of random stuff that just left the world as it is, it's still beautiful and it's worth seeing but life *has* to be experienced or it will just pass you by.

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