Kerry Day 2: St Brendan's well, Valentia island

A day of wild weather and colours: sunshine, sleet, winds, and we even saw a heap of snow being dumped on the mountains. We set off to eplore first visiting yet more forts and an old castle and then heading off to Valentia Island. It was pretty wild, breezy, remote and empty. We visited a slate mine, saw the fossilied tracks of a tetrapod, saw where the first trans-atalntic telegraph was launched; soared over the highest (and windiest) cliffs in Kerry and watched a rainstorm sweep over the enigmatic island of Skellig Michael way out to sea. Of course there was time to track down the odd holy well! This one was way  out in the bog and involved abandoning the car and striding forth. The well itself is still much used and one of the offerings included a walkie talkie which Himself insisted was still on - a direct line to above?  Seats had been made out of railway sleepers and scattered around were old stone crosses. It was a lovely spot. My tag on the map is a bit loose, I'm not actually sure where we were!

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