
So lovely to have daddy home. Both Wom and Munchie were delighted to discover him in bed. I felt it only fair to let daddy go and and play in munchies room with them both for an hour whilst I had a snooze!

I took Munchie swimming, Wom couldn't go as daddy had a conference call to be in on at 10 and times just didn't work out, daddy had a grand plan of giving Wom milk at 9, so he would be asleep by 9:30 giving him time to start the call. Luckily it worked.

Rest of morning passed by.

We all popped into Worcester this pm to get Lee's mummy a birthday present. Got that. Also bought the children some toys with an early leaning gift card I found whilst tidying as well as a new top for Wom with a different gift card and stuff from boots with my points. Win win.

Home, swapped Munchie into my car and headed to gym. Munch loved it. Home, tea, shop man, baths and into bed.

Off to the zoo tomorrow!

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