
Odd day.
I was up early as it was lee turn for lie in.
Lovely breakfast then playing with tinkers.
Took Munchie to a party of a an old nursery friend, was lovely to catch up with her mum. Lots of talk about old friends, new friends, friends who you think are friends, but aren't really friends, using friends, convenient friends, needsy friends.... You get the gist.
Makes one start to think, reflect back, look forward.

Anyhow, home from party which Munchie loved and grandfather came round. Think today was probably the first time that neither of them have been shy, timid etc. both got stuck straight in and seemed to have a blast.
Lots do cuddles, giggles and fun.

Cooked sticky duck for tea, couldn't get hold of pancakes anywhere so we had to settle for little wraps instead which worked fine. Both of them ate tons.

Played, baths, beds, sleeps.
I've given up and gone to bed too, I'm cold, I'm tired and I'm already aware that I've lost one hour of precious sleep.

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