Eating n drinking

Better night last night....
Woke up feeling better than I have done which was added bonus.

Did nursery run, pottered about them wham the tiredness hit me!

Got out of bed two hours later!

Rachel came for lunch which was lovely, we think we might not have ever done lunch here, just two of us, lovely to chat without having to watch etc x so lucky to have such great friends.

Headed out to collect Munchie, still full of cold but still a monkey. She's taken to drinking my drinks - not really a problem as I drink squash so weak it's barely there, just more annoying that my drinks evaporate quickly.

Absolute tinker after bath. Would lie in bed but just didn't want to go to sleep - normally not a problem but given I could almost feel blood sugar dropping it did become a tad frustrating. After 1.5 hours!!!!!!, she settled!

The third part if today's blip was taken by daddy / he was working here today!

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