
By tickletoes

Tue 28th Sep - The Wasp

I'd known Andy for  a few months now....and we both had a love for bikes.  He'd been to West Gate Road a few times in Newcastle and had been looking at bikes....and this was the one he loved the most.
I phoned the shop, and bought it for him.
When I spoke to him on the phone, I asked him if he would sell his stained glass window to me.....although I felt a bit bad about it as he may have wanted to leave it to his daughter.
Anyway, when I told him I had bought the bike, in exchange for the window, he was speechless.
And I loved his reaction.........that I had made him very happy into the bargain.
It's ironic now isn't it - but I still wish I could do something as magical as that for him again, even though he doesn't love me any more.
I'm so sorry it worked out the way it has Andy....I'd give anything, anything in my power to give, to go back to that time when you knew without any doubt, how much I loved you.

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