A partial eclipse of Blipfoto!

I was never going to get a great picture of the eclipse - very cloudy, only 88% coverage in Yorkshire, inadequate camera and camera technique but I had a go!

It is a great image for the events of the last week or so that has seen our shared community at such risk, being eclipsed by the failures of the business to sustain itself and once this eclipse is over uncertainty as to how it will be configured on the other side.

We still do not know what will happen but for me I want to see the basic facility maintained with all my blips from the past 15 months sitting proudly on there. I want my Blipfoto 365 album but may not now get that. But most of all in telling my story I have made such wonderful blip friends who have taken me in and wrapped their collective blip arms around me, even when I have been unable to return that love and care by a very tardy record recently in responding to all your wonderful blips and stories.

I have felt for some weeks that my mini community within the Blipfoto community has shrunk a little as other demands and other pursuits have lost some everyday contacts I had built up but the core of my mini community remains and I would be sad to lose this forum for that reason alone.

As we come toward the weekend we all wait with baited breath as to what might transpire in the cold and ruthless business world this community is currently engaged with, albeit unwillingly. We hope that as the moon moves on its elliptical journey across the skies that a bright new Bilpfoto sun will shine.

Have a good weekend folks.

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