Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Ceiling at Sheffield City Hall

I did my presentation today and took a couple of blips of the audience, about 400 strong, but as can happen the light was not good enough and they just did not work. On the way out I spotted this ceiling which I decided would be a nicer blip.

Enjoyable day though tired now. I was up at six to finish preparation. I was looking back on 40 years of probation in South Yorkshire and the reminiscences of the 1970s went down well. I gave an anecdote about one guy who I had worked with then and at lunch he came across to reveal he is still working! He enjoyed the name call!

It was a fun day and I met up with lots of old colleagues. Wish I could have got a decent blip of the event but it wasn't to be.

Feeling relieved it was finished I went across to John Lewis and bought a Canon camera. Will my blipping improve? Well I shall see if I can get it working, of course!

Tomorrow is odd collection day, the last for three weeks, and it is an unusual one. More about the story I think. I will blip early then off to hospital for a check up and then off to Kendal, but more of that tomorrow.

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