Sunny Sunday

Still basking in wall to wall sun and the heat! . Everyone feeling it even the dogs. Hubby and I went for a short run to Achnamara where the village hall was having a wee craft & cake day. VEry nice it was too, some lovely crafts & the home baking was yummy.
Noticed a few Union Jack flags so guessing there are a few Jubilee supporters around although round here all it seems to have done is to make more Saltire flags appear! Im not much a fan of Royalty think they are a bunch of wasters though I think Princess Anne is very hard working and her mummy is too though she is such a stuffed shirt! Charles seems a friendly sort of chappy but for the rest of them! they should all go out and get a proper job! Will be interesting to see what celebrations there will be next Sunday yet guess where we will be? As far south in Engerland as you can get! Serves us right! but as they say...when in Rome etc so will we be joining in? too right, who am I to miss a party! Bring it on Queenie!
Happy blipping

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