Under a cloud!

Honestly the things you see when you don't have a gun!
1 A buxom lady biker into the second part of her half century partially clad in leather! Boy is she going to be burnt tomorrow!
2 A bloke with three quarter length shorts and LONG socks!
3 Being passed by 6 screaming motor bikes two which were doing wheelies!
4 Having a foreign lady dressed in one of these flowing affairs, pushing a child in a pram out in front of my moving car and giving me evils cause I got on to her!
5 An old lady driving a huge red pick up wearing a huge Wurzel Gummidge straw hat ( I know her and she is a character)
6 An old bloke who had tucked his shirt inside his checked boxer shorts which were pulled up higher than his breeks!
7 The mess my three dogs made after me giving them a bone each! (my own fault)
Happy blipping all

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