
What a great day :)  A lovely day of sunshine all day but a chilly wind. 

The sun woke me up this morning shining in the bedroom window.  Mam was up in Unst for the night and Mothers Day, that meant I had to look after her dog Rob this morning, sadly Jibo passed away a few weeks ago.  In the late morning I went to Scalloway for a walk around the village and then headed out west in the afternoon to Waas to take photos but was too windy for the tripod.  On the way back, stopped off in Whiteness to see the Spring Show and then homeward bound. 
It's been a lazy evening in front of the telly and had a visit from mam too :)  Always good to see her on Mothers Day :)

While I was in Waas, I discovered a track road I had never been down before and off I set.  The road was long and winding but worth it at the end when I came across this view :)  It's always great to discover a new place to explore and Sammy had plenty of rabbits to chase.  What a wonderful view this old croft at Littlure had, now deserted and a lonesome place but I'd love to stay here :)

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