
Overall it's been a fine day but after the past few days it's been much duller, overcast and the odd light shower in the morning. 

The sun was breaking through in the morning and off I set to take more photos.  I headed south to Channerwick and was going to head further but then turned to overcast, so headed back home.  Brian came down in the late morning and gave me a hand to paint my garden fence, and I got the shed done too :)   More walkies with Sammy in the afternoon around Cunningsburgh.
This evening I'm off swimming again and then a shift in the pub later.

Channerwick is a lovely small hamlet with a great beach :)  One of the views in the book will feature this view but will have to come back on a nicer day.  There's a lot of changes here of the years, such as this old houses were once all lovely small croft houses, filled with happy times and laughter, now lie derelict but one new house on the site of an old house.  

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