Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

They didn't need washing!

A day of household chores... We have visitors from Australia coming this week, so it's a good excuse to have a big spring clean. And it even included all of Archie's rather smelly toys. They do get washed  regularly, of course, but not all at once like this...

He slept all night, awoke about 6am - it's so light these mornings - and I put him back in bed twice. He went back to sleep till he was invited on to the bed and then slept till I took him out about 8:30. Much more acceptable. During the week, his cue is the alarm. And anyway, no dog sitter is going to put up with that nightly carry on.

Suspending my choring to watch the rugby this afternoon.

Fingers crossed about blip's future. I'm certainly not jumping ship yet. But if it does come crashing down, I'll move, with regret, to the 365 Project (I don't do Facebook) as LadyMarchmont, so hopefully blippers can stay in touch.

Thanks to all these kind techie people writing 'scripts' to save our journals - it's mostly double Dutch to me. I'm assuming that blipcentral will do the decent thing in the end and inform us un-techies how to save everything. I don't want to lose all my journal entries - I am hoping that when I'm in my dotage and everything's a bit of a blur, I'll be able to look back over the years and jog my memory...

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