Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A new discovery

More of the haar this morning, only this time it hung around all day.

Camila came to take Archie for the day, and after that excitement, I wandered across the Meadows to the X-ray department, for I am still complaining about being breathless, so a chest X-ray was deemed necessary. Just a walk-in set up - no hanging around. I will go and see what the doctor says next week about this unexplained puffing.

I then headed to one of my favourite cafes, which I haven't visited for ages. On the way I passed - as I have done hundreds of times - the Fire Station. Today I stopped and peered in the windows. Lo and behold, it was not just a Fire Station, but a Fire Station Museum, jam packed with old machines and memorablia. I poked around the outside of the building until I found the door in.

It is the first Fire Station in Scotland. And it is about to be sold and possibly dismantled. They let me wander round on my own - I promised I wouldn't climb into any of the machines (as if I could!) - as the 'guide' was in a meeting.

The whole building is fabulous - white tiles, arched windows, wonderful wood ceiling, even a wee glassed door behind which is the pole the firemen slid down from their accommodation upstairs. I think they need to keep the whole thing.

On to my one-time favourite cafe. Scone and a flat white, please. 'Would you like gem and cream with that?' (Yes, a Kiwi). But sorry to say, it was not a very nice scone, it may not even have been today's, and it was small - scones should be huge. It was not even a nice flat white - tepid and burnt. Most disappointing. No need to rush there again...

We went to pick up Archie this afternoon - Camila does not appear to have a proper, sensible, warm, weatherproof coat, so I didn't want her getting cold and wet bringing him home. I'm sure he was a good help as she studied modern terrorism... She seems too young and innocent to be concerned with such hateful stuff, but it's the young ones who will have to live with it...

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