The Face of a Pelican

Is it just me, or is this pelican leering? Or, is it sneering? Or, is a look of endearing? I'm just glad he doesn't have eyebrows. Because...if he did...I think he would be moving them up and down. Many times.

I woke up with a case of the dizzies, and although I've taken some medicine (twice), I still have them. On a scale of 1-10, this one was a 3. Not enough to keep me from doing some things, but it did make me a tad uncomfortable. Not fun.

In order, I went to a church breakfast, a heritage festival, an arts and crafts show, an antique show, and a neighborhood garage sale. AND...I DIDN'T BUY ONE THING!!!!

I ended up at Star Fish Company, but didn't stay long because of my dizziness. It was too bad, because the pelicans were doing a lot of "drive-bys." Click above to see a few of the flyovers, and a picture of a "wench" at the antique show.

Hopefully, after a good nights sleep, I'll be OK on the morrow. 2 more sleeps until my wife, daughter, and grandson show up. I can't hardly wait to see them.

Onward and upward.

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