
By MaybeDailyBob

Girl and a Guardsman

We had a trip to London to see the Lucian Freud Portraits Exhibition.
More photos here
Started with coffee on the South Bank and then wandered across into Covent Garden. A quick visit to see the Impressionists at the National and then a sit in St James
This was taken at Horse Guards. Jane remarked on the Guardsman's boots as I was about to take a photo from behind him, as I changed to focus on his boots this girl stood next to him to have her photo taken. In the end this made me smile so that is why I chose it.
As to the Lucian Freud exhibition? Well I a glad we went but I am not sure it is to my taste - some of the perspectives were off and his titles were rather annoying "Portrait of a Man", "Portrait of a Man", "Nude Woman" - you get the picture.
This is my take on a Freud title - but I think it has too many words.

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