Powburn Bridge and a swan.
To escape from the stour (dust in English!) in the house today we took Rona out to the Kincardine Bridge and had a walk up the Powburn road.
The old pub at the Kincardine end was demolished some time ago and a big new house built but it still seems to be unoccupied. Wonder what went wrong?
The wind was fair howling across the fields and there was little shelter even from the few little bits of roadside hedge but the rain stayed off for us. Much appreciated. That swan was loitering with intent between the road and the river but as we approached, it waddled up to meet us. Quite obviously very used to people and looking to mooch any breadcrumbs we might have had. Even Rona got only the briefest of hisses!
It is currently blowing up a hoolie and the front windows are creaking under the strain. I do love a good "Dark and Stormy Night"!
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