
By kaitiemae


 Family doesn’t understand distance or time or any of the other limitations that have a terrible habit of stretching connections.  It doesn’t understand that a lot of times, when you don’t see someone for a long time, it can get awkward and you can grow apart considerably.  Or, maybe….maybe it does understand these things, maybe it knows all about what is expected when someone leaves home, or goes away for a while, but it decided that none of those things are as important as the love that was always there.  Because the love is still there, you still feel it every day.  No matter how far you go, no matter how long you stay away, you can’t get rid of Family.  Especially when more and more of them seem to come out of the woodwork, trust me I know.  That’s the beautiful thing about it though, but a lot of people seem to forget that.  I suppose there are plenty of times I myself find this irrefutable truth a bit suffocating and overbearing.  I have a lot of family, and they can be a lot to handle at times. Though I suppose I’m one of the lucky ones, because at the end of the day I have to admit that my crazy, huge, scattered, loud family is pretty great. My aunt and uncle came up from Florida to visit this past week, along with their 3 year old daughter, my cousin Lilli. We took her out in the snow a lot because, well, she lives in Florida so she’s not really used to it. She was surprisingly tolerant of the cold, but she did not want to go sledding. She just wanted to pull the sled and help push everyone down the hill. We also taught her to throw snowballs, which to our enjoyment (most of the time), she found quite entertaining. They left this morning, but the goodbye wasn’t as emotional as usual, (my dad’s a crier) because we’re going down to visit them in a few weeks. I hope the next few weeks go by fast.    

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