Everyone loves Ikea

Least said about last night the better I think. Wet beds, confused parents, baby poo, coughing toddler!

We eventually surfaced around 7:45, but don't let that fool you into thinking we had had a lie in! Up, dressed, ready for ikea road trip.

Ikea was busy. Busy but fun. Top part completed, pig and dragon seemed to find their way into the yellow bag, along with other stuff that was in the list. Tunnel was bought as the old one was ripped and battered.

Queue for meatballs was huge, but auntie Sarah valiantly did the queuing whilst we waited. Munch was so happy to sit, wait and people watch. Food was yummy, womsie devoured meatballs, Munchie not so much, but ate some.

More stuff bought, then paid for. I'd said if Munchie was good she could have an icecream, she asked if she could play with her rackets instead! How happy can one three year old be with two plastic rackets and a yellow ball! Very!

Had to do "mummy I need a weeeeeeee" stop coming home, luckily she held on, but wasn't great fun stopping in a lay by in dual carriageway.

Home to play. Piggy and tunnel huge hits.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to reprogramme a three year old to sleep past 4:45?, she's not cold, doesn't need a wee, but is just wide awake and ready to go. She even makes her gro clock become "awake" as an excuse to be up !

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